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Birthday Party Cakes

Recipes for cakes - birthday cakes, party cakes - easy to cook!

This recipe page is all about cake recipes that are simple and oh so easy to cook. For yummy birthday cakes and party cakes for kids parties.

Simple to make yourself at home, these birthday cake recipes and party cake recipes will have lists of ingedients required for the cake recipe.

There will also be a list of utensils required for the party cake recipe, and other items that you may need to get a delicious and simple to cook cake happening.


Apple cake recipe - with cinnamon

Apple coffee cake recipe

Banana cake recipe

Chocolate cake recipe

Chocolate cheesecake recipe

Chocolate mousse cake recipe

Coca Cola cake recipe

Coffee cake recipe - with chocolate chips!

Fruit loaf recipe

Ice cream cake recipe

Lamington cake recipe

Sponge cake recipe - decorated with strawberries!


Looking for party supplies? Here are some you may find useful

Girls birthday invitations

Party banners online

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Christening invitations

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