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Homemade lemonade recipe - real lemons

 Ingredients for this home made lemonade recipe

Time to prepare fresh lemonade ingredients 10 minutes
Time to cook lemonade ingredients 5 minutes
Plus cooling time to get your fresh lemonade ready to drink!

Things you will need to make your fresh lemonade:
1 Juicer, manual is best
1 sharp knife, to slice lemons with.
1 small or medium saucepan
1 jug to chill your fresh lemonade in and serve it.

Ingredients for fresh lemonade recipe:
¾ cup of caster sugar
1.5 litres sparkling mineral water
¼ cup mint leaves
1 lemon, sliced fine

350 ml approx real lemon juice, you may need between 4 to 7 lemons for this depending on the size of the lemons

How to make this home made lemonade recipe

Put the caster sugar and ½ of a cup of water in the saucepan. Heat over a medium heat until the sugar is all dissolved in the water. Bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from the heat and leave to cool. Once the mixture has cooled, add the lemon juice.

Put the lemonade in a large jug, add mineral water and into the fridge it goes to cool.

When you are ready to enjoy your fresh lemonade, add lemon slices and mint leaves to the mix, then serve.


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