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Capture the flag

Capture the Flag Tag 

Divide the players into two teams.

This game is best played in a larger area, preferably with rome to run around in. Parks are great, but remember to supervise.

The playing area is divided into two equal parts.

Each team has an object that is designated as the flag.

Figure out a way to mark the teams apart caps/no caps , boys vs girls, armbands, ribbons in belts or similar.

Each team has to hide the flag somewhere in its territory, usually at the back, near its prison or jail.

The aim of the game is to cross over into the other teams territory and get their flag, and bring it back to your home.

If you are tagged while in the other teams territory, you are captured and must go to their jail.

If you are in jail you can be freed by being tagged by another member of your team.

If you are tagged while carrying the flag you must drop it where you are tagged and go to jail. 

This game is ideal for groups of 10 or more.


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