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A present that is a REAL Surprise!

Posted by Little Dance on 23rd Dec 2009

I've yet to wrap up the Christmas presents... we are getting a little too close for comfort. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I'm still waiting for the kids to enter that deep sleep. The type of sleep that you know not even a cyclone will wake them. I won't even attempt to smuggle the presents back into the house to wrap before they enter the deep sleep phase. (I say phase as for one of my kids it doesnt last that long, before you know it he is awake and trying to get into our bed). The safey zone is normally between 10pm and 2am.

A friend of mine mentioned today that she enjoys wrapping presents and it reminded me of when I use to like to add my "special little touch" to cards and presents that would last days... if not weeks.

By simple sprinkling some glitter into a card before popping it into an envelope or even wrapping it in with your presents you're guaranteed to get a reaction when the receiver opens it. The normal reaction when one opens a suprise is excited delight... followed by "ooh what a mess!" and no matter how good a vaccum cleaner is.. there is always some left behind for the next few days or weeks...and each day they see a sparkle in the light on their floor... they'll think of you!

One must also be careful though....if you surprise someone too often they will start opening your cards and gifts over the kitchen sink, which ruins any surprise factor. So it's always best to do it occasionally, when they least expect it!

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