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Oncology Children’s Foundation

17th Jan 2011

Little Dance Invitations gets involved!

The team at Little Dance have joined the “Cupcakes For a Cure” fundraising campaign being run by the Oncology Children’s Foundation

The Oncology Children’s Foundation (OCF) is an Australian charity dedicated to finding cures for childhood cancers.

They raise money to fund research programs with the sole objective of finding cures for childhood cancers with the lowest survival rates, such as childhood brain tumors and neuroblastoma

Unfortunately almost half of children with these types of cancer lose their battle.

How many times do we see something happen like this, only to ask ourselves “ Isn’t there something we can do?” Well yes there is. We are now a part of theFriends of OCF family, and as such support the Oncology Childrens Foundations commitment to giving every child with cancer the opportunity to grow up and live their dreams.

A sustained and growing investment in research is allowing earlier diagnosis, better treatments and fewer side effects.

All of this costs money and that is where we are involved. You can help too!

The OCF will be holding activities Australia wide to mark International Childhood Cancer Day on February 15th this year.

One activity is .Ring a Bell for Ben. Ring a Bell for Ben commemorates a child who lost his life to cancer. All major cathedral bells will be ringing around the country.Ben passed away on January 25th 2008.Here is Bens story.

The other activity is Cupcakes For A Cure

This is a fundraising event where students bring in cupcakes to sell at morning tea and lunch for a gold coin donation to OCF. This is a very simple way to support childhood cancer research and raise awareness for health issues faced by school-age children.

If you are interested in becoming involved in this here is the registration page forCupcakes for a Cure