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Fantastical Fairy Dust

2nd Aug 2012

Fairy Dust is made up of the magical sprinklings that fairies keep in their teeny weenie pouches, on their teeny weenie belts, around their teeny weenie waists. Fairies sprinkle fairy dust onto mother nature to help the flowers bloom and the tall trees grow. The dust is such a rarity that only a teeny tiny bit needs to be used at a time.

At Little Dance Invitations we may not be fairies, but we have found a way to bottle this magical stuff and no fairies were harmed or robbed of their magical dust, uh uh, no way, we would never dream of harming a fairy. We just happen to know the right people in the magical fairylands, and after some tense negotiations, they decided to supply the finest of their fine, fine powders to us. And today we offer them for sale both online and in our party shop

How did we get this fairy dust all the way from fairyland to our shop you may ask? We magically transported the fairy dust over lands and kingdoms, over bridges with trolls underneath, over rainbows and through moonbeams.

And when it finally arrived here at Little Dance, we all did a little shimmy!

After a little celebration, we slowly and skillfully poured the dust into our finest novelty test tubes and popped a cork lid on it, making sure not to spill a single speck. And now this well travelled Fairy Dust is ready for you to use at will.

But don’t waste it! This dust is precious!

So what to do with this magical dust, I hear you say?

How about-

-Leaving some in your daughters shoe and promising that you didn’t put it there, the fairies must have

-Giving your little one some fairy dust to decorate a picture just for the tooth fairy to ensure that the fallen tooth gets to the magical tooth fairy kingdom

-Spreading some around and leaving a trail up to your child’s very own fairy door

-Planning a picnic in your own garden and before the picnic sprinkle some fairy dust on newly bloomed flowers. Explain to your little ones that fairy dust is what makes the flowers blossom and watch their eyes grow with wonder

-Put some fairy dust inside the invitations to your next party, it’s a great effect, but you might just get few phone calls asking you to come and vacuum up the mess

-Putting some hairspray onto your kiddies hair and while the hairspray is still wet, sprinkle a little fairy dust on it, it’s a great look for a school disco, birthday party or just because your little one wants to look more fairy like

-Putting a tube in gift bags for little girl’s parties, kids can have way more fun with fairy dust than with lollies, and we’re sure that the parents will appreciate it.

If you have any other wonderful ideas out there on how you will use your fairy dust, we would love to hear from you! Tell us how our fairy dust can put a little bit of fabulous fairy-ness into your next party!